Nasi wolontariusze/ Our volunteers
Emin Yiğit Koyuncuoğlu
Cześć! I'm Emin
The desire to discover, learn, immerse myself in different cultures and
my interest in social projects brought me here to Wroclaw. I pretty much
enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, trekking, camping; tasting world cuisines, taking photos. Hitch-hiking allows me to meet locals and travel spontaneously. This is the way I feel myself closer to the culture. Meeting many people from different backgrounds is the key to question your own values. When you question, you break your taboos. I walked some part of beautiful Lycian Way in southwest of Turkey, reached to the top of Triglav, which is the highest point of Julien Alps, camped in a desert in Iran and saw the most shiny stars in my life. I feel alive when I do such things.
Svetlana Demurchev
Good morning, world! My name is Svetlana and I'm from beautiful Georgia.
In 2015, just after I've graduated from the university, I went for a year to Tel Aviv, Israel, where I worked as a PR intern in the sphere of innovations. And that's where I realized that my passion is traveling, exploring something new and meeting new people. That's one of the reasons I chose to volunteer in EkoCentrum. Another big reason seems to be really trivial, but I just love our planet! I love and get inspired from so many things our planet offers, and I hope I can offer something in return.
My other hobbies are sports, learning new languages, playing musical instruments, strategic games, and I have a huge wish to become a great cook and learn street dances.
By the way, I have promised myself that in a year I'll speak fluent Polish, so guys, I hope during our time together I'll also learn a lot fromyou.
Hazal Elif Sarı
Hello, my name is Hazal and I'm 23 years old. I'm from Turkey. I studied International Relations but I believe that problems in the world will not be solved by politics. I believe that children and young people with good ideas can save our future.
I worked for 2 different NGOs (Non Governmental Organization) in Turkey. Besides, I participated many international folk dance festivals. I love dancing especially traditional ones, researching different cultures and observing my surroundings. I hope this experience will give me more awareness of ecological life and let me know myself better.
Serafina Milushi
I'm Serafina from Albania. I have gratuated for Political Sciences from University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Science.
During my studies I have worked as volunteer in different NGO-s as a teacher assistant for children in need, HR assistant or event coordinator at one art cultural center.
After my gratuation I started working as Manager of International Relations (import- export) in a dairy company. There I have worked for three years.
I decided to attend an EVS as an opportunity to get out of my confort zone. Get to know new people, new language, experience new culture and challanges.
Korab Cenaj
Hi, I am Korab Cenaj and I am 22 years old. I am currently learning programming because that's what I see myself doing in the future, working for the big companies and giving them my contributions in Artificial Intelligence. I have always been curious to understand how our brain works and technology is the best way to do that.
I am a very active person who likes to be always doing things. I don't mind working because I don't like to be doing nothing. I have a curious character and therefore I am eager to learn new things and also interested in the people around me. I have excellent communication skills and I like to involve others in my projects. I can always give a hand to the others if they need my help.
Clémentine Jamroz
Hi, I am Clémentine (yes, like the fruit, clementine), I am 24 and I come from France. I have graduated in Translation Studies but I came here for a good reason. Ecology and culture are important for FER projects.
To describe myself I would say that I am curious about learning and discovering new things are important to me. I also love eating, climbing, reading and having fun with maybe new friends.
czwartek, 10 styczeń 2019 17:29
Iren Nosova
I am Iren and I am from Ukraine. I was studying Polish and Ukrainian philology. My passions are foreign languages and travels. I like to get know new people, their culture and language. I took part in different kind of events, social work, and organizations. I like to organize literature evenings, film screening etc., what will introduce my country. I am interested in ethnomusic and sometimes I play on a Jew's harp. When I lived Germany, I was interested in anti-discrimination, anti-discrimination and the open-minded society. That's why I am here.
Eray Salt
I was born in Kahramanmaras-Turkey in 1987. Graduated from Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine. After graduation had worked in refugee camps and home care departments as practitian in Turkey. I am amateur direktor and musician.
Zuhal Yıldırım
My name is Zuhal Yıldırım I am from Turkey. I have graduated from the depertment of archeology in Ege University
My personal interests are history, nature trips, camping and painting. I participated in various archeological excavation all over my country.
Elif Yeşilırmak
Elif Yeşilırmak was born on 12.04.1993 in Turkey. She studied International Relations in Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey between the years 2011-2016. She was a part of management team International Relations Student Club during her last 2 years of university and organized many events with ambassadors and professors about current situation of the world, energy policies, water politics, economics, foreign policy and women’s rights.
Oksana Bondarenko
Let me introduce myself. My name Oksana. I'm 25 years old. I'm from Sumy. It is a city of Ukraine. I grew up and and stadied in this city. I graduated from Sumy National Agrarian Univercity, department Veterinary. I volunteered in different organisations in the last 11 years and I took part in many projects. My passion is travel and horseride. As a person I am very social and I like to meet new people, especially from different countries and all walks of life, because of cultural enrichment such encounters create.
Zehra Solmaz
I was born in Tokat, Turkey on 15nd of January, in 1992. I completed primary School and high school education in my town. I graduated from Yıldız Technical University, department of Environmental Engineering. I volunteered in various international sporting events (Balkan Athletics Championships, 36. Istanbul Marathon, 37. Istanbul Marathon, 2013 WTA Tour Championships ). I helped foreign sportsmen to communicate with people in my country. I helped and assisted them during the races. I am also a member of many civil society organizations. For example LOSEV (Leukemia children's foundation) I work in their activities as a voluunter.
Ira Ivanets
I`m from Ukraine and I like to take photos. I`m Ira and I`m 22. Before my coming to Wroclaw I was studying ecumenism in Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. I have graduated the university of journalism and wrote articles to some magazines. But my passion is reading books, playing the piano and riding a bike. I`m vegetarian. So love trees and people. Interesting in languages, but think that the best way of communication is silence.
Anna Liebiedieva
I am Ukrainian. In 2012 I moved to Opole city for studies. During studies I was a volunteer at the University Radio station as a photoreporter and at the city animal shelter. Also, together with my University friends, I took a part in local fleshmobs for the environmental protection and integration between different nationalities. As Opole University gave an opportunity for all students to improve themselves with their skills or reach new ones, I've got some new ones in writing, wall art and psychology.
Matteo Ristic
My name is Matteo and I come from the beautiful Mediterranean city of Rijeka in Croatia. I have graduated in International Relations from the University of Trieste in Italy and my passion are foreign languages. My dream has always been to become a polyglot and I have set a personal goal to learn one new foreign language per year before I turn 30.