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wtorek, 01 sierpień 2017 11:23

Summer School at Fundacja EkoRozwoju

/Fot. Ira Ivanets/ /Fot. Ira Ivanets/

Do you know what is common between ecology and food? With this question we have started our meeting with Summer School at Fundacja EkoRozwoju. All together with Monika (instructor), EVS volunteers and volunteers of the UNESCO Initiatives Center we discussed how environment and ecosystem affect food and water we use.

We let our participants to share their knowledge and opinions about what kind of food we use for a day, do we use our local products or products from abroad, could our countries produce all kinds of food we need, avoiding import products. The interesting thing is that most of people don’t really pay attention what products they use, so we tried to make our participants interested in what they are buying and from where these products come. Each of our volunteers also shared an information concerning these questions about their countries, how does it work there.

In the mean time we have prepared different kinds of grain, divided our participants for groups and asked them recognize “what is in the jar”. It took some time for them, but they did it and named all kinds of grain. After that, we have had a discussion about how we can use grain, how to mix it or add to other products.

In the end, we had a workshop. We let our participants to plant vegetables, herbs into flower pots. We taught them how to plant right, how set seeds right into the soil and water them. Each of the  participants enjoyed the process of planting and got their own plant that they can care about and later enjoy real organic product.

Anna Liebiedieva

Czytany 4832 razy Ostatnio zmieniany środa, 09 sierpień 2017 12:15