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piątek, 25 sierpień 2017 13:15

Excursion to Mount Ślęża

On Friday 18th, our EVS team made an excursion to Mount Ślęża, which is 718 meters high and is located close to Wrocław city. The main idea of the trip was to get acquainted with different kind of trees, history and to enjoy pure nature. It was a good challenge since we had to be both mentally as well as physically well prepared for it.

At the beginning, it was easy to follow the way up, but with time it required more and more effort. On the peak of the mountain we had a possibility to see the amazing view of Sobótka, Wrocław and the surrounding area. We have also visited St. Mary church which is really old and ancient. On our way back, we have discovered Camino de Santiago, Peregrinatio Compostellana, well known as Pilgrim Ways. First Pilgrim Way seemed easier for us than climbing up to peak, but as time passed we discovered how tricky it is. To sum it all up, we were really pleasantly surprised by our trip since we discovered something new for each one of us and enjoyed it a lot.


Czytany 4206 razy Ostatnio zmieniany piątek, 25 sierpień 2017 13:39