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wtorek, 29 sierpień 2017 13:53

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Workshop

All of us wish to live in clean environment, breath fresh air without smog, enjoy swimming in clean river, sea and ocean. But not everyone is aware that there is much more we can do than just be mere polluters. Following this idea, we decided to organize a workshop for kids from UNESCO Initiative Summer Camp. The participants were asked to collect all the waste they had at home (plastic bottles, cardboards, ice cream sticks, CD/DVD boxes, cans) and bring it to our Foundation.

Our point was to teach them how we can easily reuse the abovementioned materials and to show them that all this waste can actually be transformed in something useful in their daily life. First we explained them three key processes of waste management and these are; reduce, reuse, recycle. After that we asked them to share any ideas they might had regarding how they can reuse all that materials they had taken from home. Some kids had come up with such brilliant ideas and immediately started to make them true. To others we made our own suggestions and helped them to create something nice, something what they will be able to make at home and share with others. We also made gypsum prints with leaves, precisely special forms with different leaves. After they were dry, we colored them creating beautiful fossil shapes. To conclude, it was a new and really exciting experience for all of us.

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