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środa, 16 sierpień 2017 10:45

Green spaces action in Wrocław

Green spaces action in Wrocław fot. Ira Ivanets

On Saturday 27th May 2017, north of Rynek, in the area surrounding Pomorska street, a joint ECO-ACTION took place. The Park Services staff was joined by Fundacja Ekorozwoju and its international team of EVS volunteers from Croatia, Turkey and Ukraine as well as by volunteers from UPS and local population residing nearby. That day we all had one goal in mind: give the entire neighborhood a new and more pleasant appearance by planting long rows of small mesmerizing bushes along the street.

The citizens of Wrocław take pride in the green spaces of their city and the local community beautification is something that matters. Communities are meant to create connections, opportunities and a sense of belonging, and pleasant neighborhood appearance adds to home values, helps attract business investment and just improves the area's reputation. Moreover, beauty is one of the top three factors in creating and developing community attachment and it inspires residents to greater commitment and better behavior.


We are therefore glad that the opening of the spring season was marked by ECO-ACTIONS such as the one in Pomorska area, and it's just the beginning. The Fundacja Ekorozwoju will be running exciting outdoor activities the whole summer. So come by and join us. Let's make Wrocław together an even more pleasant place to live.

Czytany 3407 razy Ostatnio zmieniany środa, 16 sierpień 2017 12:04