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poniedziałek, 11 wrzesień 2017 12:38

Work with youth at SEKTOR 3

Besides working at EkoCentrum, our volunteers also cooperate with different non-profit organizations with the aim to improve their skills and share their knowledge. One such form of collaboration takes regularly place at Wrocławskie Centrum Wspierania Organizacji Pozarządowych SEKTOR 3.
SEKTOR 3 is, among other things, organizing traineeships for high school students in Germany. To goal of the project is, besides from allowing the students to learn a new profession, also to get them acquainted with a new culture, new people and to go out of their comfort zone.

We conducted a two day workshop for the participants during which we shared our own experiences as foreigners in Poland.
In fact, we are volunteers coming from different countries and Polish is not our mother tongue. The message we wanted to convey was that it is possible to live and work abroad also without an extended knowledge of the native language. The accent was put on going out of the comfort zone and on not restraining yourself from communicating with other people or asking for any kind of help.
Secondly, we taught them some basic vocabulary in German that will make their stay abroad easier such as asking directions, expressing their needs, and greeting people. We combined conventional and alternative ways of teaching a language together with energizers and games allowing the participants to get the most of the workshop.
We are looking forward to further cooperation with SEKTOR 3 and we wish the students the best of luck in their future endeavors.


Czytany 5429 razy Ostatnio zmieniany poniedziałek, 11 wrzesień 2017 12:43