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Zapraszamy na dwudniowe warsztaty dla nauczycieli i nauczycielek, edukatorów i edukatorek poświęcone edukacji globalnej. Uczestnicy i uczestniczki warsztatów zagłębią tematy związane z edukacją globalną oraz dowiedzą się jak ją wykorzystać w edukacji.

17 listopada 2017, start godz.18 Klub Surowiec ul.Ruska 46A Wrocław

Zapraszamy wszystkich, którzy lubią wiedzieć, jak jest urządzony świat i chcą równych szans rozwoju dla siebie i innych.

wtorek, 31 październik 2017 14:26

Nonverbal Communication Training

On 24.10 and 25.10. 2017 a two day training on body language took place at Fundacja Ekorozwoju. EVS volunteers from Croatia and Ukraine broke down the science of nonverbal communication, presenting a practical, cutting edge and incredibly efficient tool for everyday interactions.

poniedziałek, 23 październik 2017 08:46

Lower Silesian NGOs Fair

On 7th of October our EVS team has visited Lower Silesian NGOs fair. This meeting held on an aim to collect all possible NGOs of Lower Silesia, to give them an opportunity to present the organizations, provide information about what they engage in to them. The meeting was interesting, so we had the opportunity to know about other organizations and stipulate a possible collaboration in the future. We met many new people as well.

środa, 04 październik 2017 13:06

Eray Salt

I was born in Kahramanmaras-Turkey in 1987. Graduated from Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine. After graduation had worked in refugee camps and home care departments as practitian in Turkey. I am amateur direktor and musician.

piątek, 22 wrzesień 2017 09:55

Football match against racism

EkoCentrum Dawaaajjj!!! Screamed one of our volunteers during football match against racism. We can’t explain all our feelings about this game just can say, we were over excited!

To play a football game we didn’t need to be professional, we only should to learn how to be one- team. But good team is not as good when it has no a leader. So we’ve got a key-person who taught us the rules of the game and how to behavior concerning our opponents. That day we faced a new challenge, we’ve got a new goal. The game is not that serious to be, but somehow we felt the spirit of competition.

piątek, 22 wrzesień 2017 09:51

Music instruments by Your hands

Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue(Plato). Music is also a good way to connect people and grow up friendship between them. On Saturday 9th our young participants had an opportunity to get new skills in creating handmade music instruments.

środa, 20 wrzesień 2017 12:38

Turkish Delights at EkoCentrum

On Saturday 9th September,on the occasion of Muzyczna Noc Nadodze, the EVS volunteers from Turkey who are doing their EVS at Eko Centrum, have organized “Turkish Delights”, an event that allowed the citizens of Wrocław to get better acquainted with Turkish foods, dances and music. The evening started with live music and famous Turkish songs played by our volunteers.

poniedziałek, 18 wrzesień 2017 14:37

Miejscy Odkrywcy/ Trwa rekrutacja grup!

Serdecznie zapraszamy grupy szkolne do udziału w pozalekcyjnych zajęciach Miejscy Odkrywcy.

Pośpiech, nadmiar bodźców napływających z otoczenia i okazjonalny kontakt z przyrodą w obrębie wydzielonych obszarów tzw. zieleni miejskiej to realia życia większości wrocławskich dzieci i młodzieży. Warunki te nie sprzyjają rozwijaniu pasji odkrywania otaczającego świata z zainteresowaniem i wrażliwością.

poniedziałek, 11 wrzesień 2017 12:38

Work with youth at SEKTOR 3

Besides working at EkoCentrum, our volunteers also cooperate with different non-profit organizations with the aim to improve their skills and share their knowledge. One such form of collaboration takes regularly place at Wrocławskie Centrum Wspierania Organizacji Pozarządowych SEKTOR 3.
SEKTOR 3 is, among other things, organizing traineeships for high school students in Germany. To goal of the project is, besides from allowing the students to learn a new profession, also to get them acquainted with a new culture, new people and to go out of their comfort zone.